CSS Vehicle Simulator Story

CSS Vehicle Simulator Story
Posted on 07/04/2024
Vehicle Simulator

Students in Belleville, Ontario, Canada, have found a way to combine their passion for video games with the industrial controls coursework they are studying at the Centennial Secondary School. The team  of 11th  and 12th year students was guided by their instructor; John Harpell, an electronics and automation controls veteran with thirty years of experience.

The result of this effort was the creation of a vehicle simulator, similar to the “full motion race simulator”, or “racing cockpits” that are commercially available for gamers and race car drivers alike.  The difference here: the fully gimbaled motion platform (with car seat) was designed and built by the students, and is controlled by pneumatic actuators and an industrial PLC...

See here for the full story: Harnessing the Power of Play: Engaging PLC Students with a Vehicle Simulator